How Your Education Is Enhanced with a First Year Abroad Program

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First Year Abroad

As you consider CIEE’s First Year Abroad options, we know that you’re passionate about seeing the world and becoming a global citizen. But one incredible feature of this program that often gets overlooked? The fact that an experience abroad will enhance your education and set you up for success. 

Let’s take a closer look at why together. 

Why First Year Abroad?

First year abroad programs are essentially freshman study abroad programs. Instead of starting your first year or semester on a U.S. college campus, you’ll take courses in a new international city and have the chance to go on incredible journeys like hiking in the Blue Mountains of Sydney, Australia, or feasting your eyes on Stonehenge in England. 

Check out our 7 incredible first year abroad locations.

While on program, you’ll be enrolled as a student at our academic home and school of record, Dean College, and earn 12-13 credits. 

First year abroad is an excellent way to see the world, deepen your global perspective, and return to the U.S. not only with college credits but also a ton of new, internationally influenced skills that will help you succeed in the classroom and beyond. 

In addition to all the fantastic exploration and guided cultural excursions, let’s dive into your academic schedule during first year abroad and, most importantly, how a classroom abroad will enrich your education.  

First Year Abroad Academics

Before we can begin listing all the ways a first year abroad program will strengthen your academic career, let’s take a look at your academics while on program. 

First Year Abroad Classes

Two students holding up pizza they baked in a cooking class in Rome

Similar to freshman year on any U.S. campus, your first year abroad curriculum includes general education courses that will help you find your interests and stay on track to graduate once you finish your first year abroad program. Some of these courses include: 

  • Languages: German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish
  • Arts: Intro to Studio Art, Music Appreciation, and Art History 
  • Social Sciences: World History, Cultural Geography, and Intro to Psychology
  • Business: Principles of Management, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics 
  • Math: Intro to Statistics, College Algebra, and Calculus
  • Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Science
  • Others: English Composition, Computer Science, Digital Photography, and many more! 

You might find that learning statistics is a lot more fun in Berlin, Germany. The possibilities are endless during your first year abroad program. Studying something you’re passionate about will boost your academic abilities and ensure an exciting career after school. 

Curriculum Structure 

We break our first year abroad programs into Block Courses and Semester Courses. 

Block Courses

We follow a Block Course class format in Berlin, London, Rome, and Sydney. You’ll take two courses per six-week block, and then do it again for a second block. 

Block courses are 3 or 4 credits, contain requisite contact hours and content, and count for the same credit as if they were spread out over a traditional semester. This allows for more intense study of fewer subjects at a time. Completing two blocks will give you 12-13 semester credits to keep you on track to graduate within four years. 

Semester Courses 

Our Semester Course class format is available in Barcelona, Kyoto, and Monteverde. The 12-week semester allows immersion in up to four courses at once, including those with labs or language classes. At this pace, you have ample time to dive deeply into course content while still experiencing your new home culture. It also allows you to study multiple subjects at once. Most colleges offer 12- to 15-week semesters, setting you up for a familiar course structure back home.

Our curriculum structure will provide you with an immersive classroom experience, allowing you to dive deep into your course materials and truly learn

First Year Abroad Classroom Benefits

Students posing with statue in Paris art museum

So, how else does a first year abroad experience equate to an overall enhanced education? We’ve outlined some of our thoughts below:  

  • You’ll learn new, global insights from world-class instructors: Your world history course will be a lot different in Kyoto, Japan, than it’ll be on a U.S. college campus. Use this new knowledge and perspective to your advantage. 
  • You’re going to be studying alongside many other international students: Our CIEE centers and partner colleges worldwide are institutions of choice for tons of other students from around the globe – you’re going to make lifelong connections and learn about many different cultures. 

Experiential Learning 

We’ve covered how a first year abroad classroom will enrich your education, but let’s go even further and explain how CIEE brings an international education to life while on program through experiential learning. 

As you absorb new and intriguing information in the classroom, the world is waiting for you just beyond your school walls. In fact, exploring is part of the CIEE First Year Abroad curriculum! 

Upon your arrival in a new international location, you will participate in an orientation. And we won’t just cover the academic and health and safety basics, you’ll also get an introduction to the cultural and social aspects of your first year abroad program. Right away, you’ll get an inside look at another country’s way of life – talk about learning some useful information. 

First year abroad students will participate in workshops, volunteer opportunities, and career exploration paired with hands-on adventures throughout their new international city. You’ll get to volunteer at local organizations, youth centers, schools, and more, and shadow professionals in a field you’re interested in. Simply put, your first year abroad education won’t just be lecture-listening (although that’s great, too), you’re going to be out there, actually doing it. 

Your academic career will be enhanced because you’ll be able to blend theory with real life. The perfect balance.

In addition to your CIEE-guided explorations, you will have the opportunity to undertake some adventures yourself or with your friends. You’ll get to see some of the world’s most iconic landmarks and attractions, find your favorite cafes and restaurants, and explore hidden gems throughout your new international home. You’ll boost your global curiosity, take your passions to the classroom and throughout your academic career. It doesn’t get more exciting than that. 

So, what are you waiting for? Enhance your education and your life with CIEE First Year Abroad.