The Host Family Experience in Your First Year of College Abroad

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First Year Abroad

Living with a host family is one of the best ways to experience a new place while studying abroad.

For recent high school grads on their CIEE First Year Abroad, a host family can provide an inviting home base in an otherwise unfamiliar destination. 

You'll be connected with locals who are excited to show you their country and make your time abroad unforgettable! 

What is a host family? A host family is a local household that opens their home to young students studying abroad or travelers who have relocated to a new country. They are usually interested in language and/or cultural exchange. A host family can offer a welcoming environment, warm shelter, and home-cooked traditional meals. 

There are quite a few benefits of living with a host family. This is what you can generally expect.  

You’ll Live Like a Local 

One of the best ways to immerse yourself in a new country is to... live with locals! They're the ultimate resource for offering insights into the best places to eat and visit and can offer you tips for adjusting to your new home. Your host family is also there to take you on family outings to discover new parts of your host country.  

You’ll Gain a Second Family 

When you move into your host family's home, you gain not only a roof over your head but also a second family. You'll have the chance to establish meaningful connections with your host parents, siblings, and possibly even pets!  

Many study-abroad participants stay in contact with their host families years after their program ends.  

You’ll Need to Respect House Rules 

As much fun as getting to know your host family can be, you must also take their house rules seriously. From established chores and standards of cleanliness to life schedules and having guests over, it's essential you discuss these expectations with your host family and respect their house rules.  

You’ll Eat Like a Local 

There’s nothing like experiencing a new culture through your taste buds. Cooking together and enjoying your host family's home-cooked meals will provide unique insight no ordinary traveler can gain.  

You may even return home with a new list of favorite recipes!  

You’ll Pick Up the Local Language and Customs 

When you stay with a local host family, you'll experience language and cultural immersion on another level. You'll wake up and spend your day listening to the local language. When you have questions about new words or phrases, your host family can provide the answers. They're also an excellent resource for teaching you the local social norms and the best ways to assimilate into the culture.  

You’ll Go Through an Adjustment Period 

It's normal to feel a little uncomfortable when you first move in with your host family. It's your first time living in another family's personal space, on top of having to adjust to living in a different country. Going through an adjustment period is a common experience for all study abroad participants. If your First Year Abroad program includes a homestay, you can trust that all CIEE host families are thoroughly vetted for your safety and well-being. 

What Are Some Tips for Living with a Host Family Abroad? 

Before you make yourself at home with your host family abroad, here are some helpful tips so you can have the most comfortable experience possible.  

  1. Learn about the culture and family life of your host country before moving abroad. This can help you avoid any surprises.   
  2. Make an effort to get to know your host family and learn their culture.  
  3. Try to learn basic phrases in the local language to show an appreciation for their home country. 
  4. You may want to bring a gift. A nice gift for host family study abroad participants to bring is something inexpensive but meaningful, like treats or items local to where you're from. 
  5. Above all else, be polite and respectful of your host family’s home. 

Experience Living with a Host Family on Your First Year of College Abroad  

See for yourself what makes living with a host family so unique on one of CIEE's First Year Abroad Programs!  

Schedule a call with a CIEE Enrollment Coordinator to learn more about First Year Abroad housing and accommodations.