Can I Travel to Other Countries During a First Year Abroad Program?

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First Year Abroad

As soon as you study abroad, the world opens up even more. Literally. On program, you’re closer to different countries, you’ll embark on different cultural excursions, and you’ll meet people from all over the world. It’s only natural to want to keep traveling during a study abroad program like CIEE First Year Abroad.  

And while we want you to get as much traveling under your belt as possible (because, after all, we value international experiences), there are some guidelines for travel and study abroad that you should keep in mind. Let’s take a closer look at this together!  

Traveling While Studying Abroad 

First things first: Yes, you can travel independently while on your First Year Abroad program, but there are restrictions, and every program country has different rules. The First Year Abroad program in Barcelona will have different travel and study abroad guidelines than the program in Monteverde, for example.  

Students are also expected to communicate any travel plans to their host family if they live with one during First Year Abroad. It’s also a good idea to mention your plans to CIEE support staff and friends to be on the safe side.  

Keep in mind that under no circumstances are students excused from classes and program activities to travel. When you embark on a First Year Abroad program, you agree to the expectations of the program first and foremost. And that means participating in classes and scheduled activities, like cultural excursions.  

And remember, just because it’s mandatory doesn’t mean it’s not fun. Beyond exciting coursework that will help you identify your passions, your CIEE-guided cultural excursions can include: 

  • Traveling to a coffee plantation in Monteverde, Costa Rica, to learn more about sustainable production 
  • Feasting your eyes on the Blue Mountains of Australia 

These are CIEE activities you’ll be dying to go on, all while learning a ton about the local culture and history of your First Year Abroad city.  

Read More: First Year Abroad: More Than Just Great Food and Fun Travel  

It’s also important to mention that traveling while studying abroad is possible as part of your CIEE First Year Abroad program! You can select either a fall semester or spring semester or combine both to make up a full year. Talk about lots of traveling and incredible experiences!  

It’s also worth noting that when you do solo traveling while studying abroad, you’re doing just that: going solo. While there will always be CIEE support teams nearby in designated CIEE program locations, prepare ahead of your travels and be mindful while you adventure so you can ensure a safe experience.  

We encourage you to reach out to your CIEE program contacts if you have any specific questions about traveling you’re abroad.  

Best Places to Travel When Studying Abroad  

There are so many incredible places to visit across the world. And don’t forget, when you’re in a new country, there’s so much to explore in that country alone. Don’t count out traveling to new cities or towns within your First Year Abroad country – you’ll likely discover some hidden gems in the process.  

However, if you’re set on multi-country traveling while studying abroad, we recommend visiting nearby countries with similar travel regulations and simpler and relatively inexpensive transportation.  

For example, if you’re planning for a First Year Abroad program in Barcelona, consider taking a train to other European cities, including Amsterdam, London, Brussels, and more! One of the more exciting aspects of a First Year Abroad program in places like Europe is its proximity to other fascinating countries.  

You may be more limited in visiting other countries if you choose a First Year Abroad program in places like Australia or Latin America, based on proximity, ease of transportation, and safety measures. Again, if solo traveling while studying abroad is essential to your First Year Abroad experience, chat with a CIEE team member about program guidelines beforehand.  

After determining where you want to go, we suggest finding landmarks and sites that might be of personal interest to you. If you’re a history buff, research museums and historical attractions to check out in a new city. If you love being active and getting outdoors, choose a city or town with spectacular national parks or mountains. You’re bound to find something you love!  

[H2] How to Travel While Studying Abroad 

We’ve broken down this information into some simple steps to help you better determine how to travel while studying abroad: 

  • Step #1: Determine the rules in place for travel and study abroad at your First Year Abroad program country.  
  • Step #2: Decide what kind of solo traveling is possible based on your academic schedule, finances, etc. For example, a bus or train ride to a nearby city might be more realistic than traveling somewhere a flight away.  
  • Step #3: Choose specific locations or places you want to visit based on your interests. 
  • Step #4: Inform people around you, like your CIEE support team, friends, and homestay family (if applicable) about your travel plans.  
  • Step #5: Record your exciting travels to look back on! Keep a journal, save a memento, and take lots of photos of your newest adventures – you won’t regret it.  

Traveling while studying abroad is an exciting way to deepen your understanding of the world and truly take learning outside the classroom to the next level. Just keep in mind what your options are with your CIEE program while exploring safely and conscientiously.