Let's Move to Madrid!

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Teach In Spain Program

Authored By:

Emma S.

Hola! My name is Emma. Welcome to my first-ever blog post. I’ve always told people that my goal was to live abroad at some point in my twenties. When I first graduated from college, I started my job at a marketing agency and thought, "I guess I could do this for the rest of my life." But I quickly remembered who I am at my core and realized that a 9-5 life just isn't meant for me right now. I have such an urge to see so much of the world, and there's no better time than now. I knew I wanted to live in Europe, so I started my search to find out how I could get there soon! And that's how I ended up moving to Madrid in just three months (wow, time flies) and I couldn't be more excited.

A little bit about me: I grew up in New York but moved to South Florida when I was 14. I've always loved living in Florida and being near the beach, but my parents instilled in me at a young age that the world is HUGE and there’s so much of it to see. That began my obsession with traveling, and I've been fortunate enough to visit many places. But now, I never want to stop!

I know moving to another continent may seem daunting to many people, but for me, the excitement outweighs the fear. Like any big life change, it’s going to take some time to adjust, but the best things in life come when you leave your comfort zone! I am so looking forward to being in a new city, making new friends, trying new foods, and becoming a Madrid local. I can’t wait to take the jump to move to Madrid, and I hope my blog posts can be helpful to people who are moving alongside me or those who may be on the fence about what to do! I can’t wait to share my experiences. 

¡Hasta luego!
