Life in Spain So Far

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Teach In Spain Program

Authored By:

Megan S.

Madrid has been my home for about two weeks now and there are many things I love. The culture shock can be a lot, but by keeping an open mind and accepting the differences you learn to appreciate the differences. 

I have felt it has been easy to find my place and appreciate the Spaniards' way of life. 

I love to travel and it’s been a little strange coming here and not getting up early every morning to go go go all day long. Nor feeling the need to see everything and experience it all in a short amount of time. 

Since I moved here, it hasn’t been like I’m traveling. I have taken a few photos but not many because I am just taking it all in. I’m realizing this is not a vacation spot, this is where my life will be for the next year. 


Here are some things I’ve noticed and enjoyed from living here so far.

Everyone’s Kindness

Everyone has been so unbelievably kind. I have been in awe with the kindness I have received from Spaniards and the willingness they have to help me. I definitely need to work on my Spanish, but they really appreciate the fact that I am trying. 

If you are not confident in your Spanish, that is okay. But don’t just assume everyone speaks English and will understand you. Learn some Spanish phrases and use those. 

Even if you don’t know a lot, the locals appreciate the attempt and won’t make fun of you. The amount of times I’m sure I’ve failed at the pronunciation of a word or phrase and no one has made me feel bad about it. 

A tip if you want to work on your Spanish: If you speak Spanish to a Spaniard and they can tell you speak English, they will probably start speaking to you in English. Don’t feel defeated if they do this, they might just think they are being helpful. What you can do is continue to respond in Spanish in order to practice. 

The Metro 

The metro has been very easy to figure out and get used to. That’s something I was nervous about when coming here, but it has been pretty simple. And if you ever get confused, your Maps is there to help you.

You start to learn pretty quickly the stops you need to go to and what stops you can switch to another line on. The other great thing is the metro is very fast and it is quite clean. 

One downside to prepare for is it gets very hot. I am not ready for when it gets colder and I have to go into the metro with layers and a jacket because I fear I will be sweating excessively. 

The Food is *Chef’s Kiss*

All the food I have been having so far at restaurants has been so good. Be prepared for a lot of seafood, potatoes, meat, cheese, and bread. 

The grilled Calamari has been my favorite so far and of course I always enjoy some good Patatas Bravas. 

Fried Calamari
This is the Fried Calamari we got from a restaurant in Salamanca near my apartment.

Be open to trying new things because there are a lot of foods you might not be used to or even know what it is, but that’s how you find the best foods. I tried octopus for the first time this week and loved it!

At a restaurant
The plate in front is el pulpo (the octopus)

The Coffee is Muy Delicioso   

I hadn’t had coffee for months back in the US because it would hurt my stomach. I started having coffee again here in Spain and I don’t think I’ll ever look back. 

Their coffee is just so good I don’t know how else to describe it. I tend to get a Cortado which is popular here. It is equal parts espresso and milk and in a small cup. This way I get my yummy coffee without having too much. It’s the perfect amount.

This is a cortado!

Whether you are visiting or living here, there are so many great things to experience in Spain. I hope this helps you find some things you want to try when in Spain as well as find out what you like. I can’t wait to continue to learn about and experience all that Spain has to offer.