How Difficult Are First Year Abroad Courses? 

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First Year Abroad

There’s a lot on your mind as you prepare for a study abroad adventure like CIEE First Year Abroad, and we’re sure that questions about your academics are top of mind.   

Let’s dive into some frequently asked questions we receive about study abroad courses and, more importantly, learn how CIEE can help you prepare for academic success!  

What Are My Study Abroad Course Options?  

If you’re embarking on First Year Abroad, your study abroad course options are similar to what you’d find on a college campus in the U.S. – intro-level college courses that will help you dive deeper into subjects you’re interested in!  

How Do College Courses Work for Study Abroad?  

Students are required to enroll in two courses each block, or four courses per semester, which is standard across U.S. college campuses.  

Block courses are offered in Berlin, London, Rome, and Sydney. Block courses are worth three or four U.S. credits, so completing two blocks will give you a total of 12-13 U.S. semester credits. A major benefit of the block course schedule is it allows for more intense study of fewer subjects at once.  

High school student with paint on her hands surrounded by easels

Semester courses in Barcelona, Kyoto, and Monteverde First Year Abroad locations span a 12-week semester earning you 12-13 U.S. college credits. With semester courses, you’ll be able to study multiple subjects at once and familiarize yourself with a standard semester structure, which you’ll likely have once you return to a college campus in the States.  

Both block courses and semester courses ensure you’ll receive enough credits to stay on track to graduate college within four years. And if you’re wondering how colleges measure your courses taken during a study abroad program, CIEE works extensively with higher education institutions, including First Year Abroad College Partners, to ensure that our academic programming and credits align with schools back in the United States. In some instances, depending on what you decide to do after your First Year Abroad program, you can already know how the courses you complete abroad will transfer to your new institution. We’ve been doing it a long time too, so take our word for it! (wink, wink).  

Read More: Why Choose CIEE for Your First Year Abroad?  

Now, back to the fun stuff – your study abroad courses. You’ll have a variety of course options to choose from while you adventure abroad, from STEM-related courses to language learning and the arts. There’s something for everyone! 

Female students peering into microscopes in a classroom in Palma

Check out a simple list of study abroad courses for First Year Abroad:  

  • General Chemistry Lab 
  • Principles of Microeconomics  
  • Introduction to Political Science  
  • Spanish Language – Beginning  
  • Introduction to Composition  
  • General Psychology  

Our advice when perusing your course choices: Select one or two courses you know you’ll be interested in and choose at least one course you’re not familiar with or wouldn’t normally consider. An adventure like First Year Abroad means stepping out of your comfort zone, and who knows, you might just find your next passion!  

Read More: How Your Education Is Enhanced with a First Year Abroad Program 

How Difficult Is Study Abroad? 

No matter where you are in the world when you start, freshman year of college is challenging! There’s so much newness — an unfamiliar class schedule, different academic expectations, and not to mention, learning as you go in an entirely new place. And starting college with First Year Abroad means learning in an entirely new international city!  

But as someone who’s considering or about to embark on a gutsy adventure like First Year Abroad, we bet you’ve already thought of some of these challenges and are ready to tackle them head-on! So, while studying abroad may have some difficulties, we’re sure that you can handle it.  

How do we know this? Well, for one, CIEE offers comprehensive support to students, including a robust academic support system in partnership with our academic home and school of record, Dean College. These services may include one-on-one, group, or online advising and tutoring.  

CIEE academic staff also provides resources and guidance on academic norms, study habits, and success strategies for first year students studying abroad. If needed, tutors can assist with core course concepts, study strategies, academic writing, research, and time management skills.  

Outside the classroom, one of the more challenging aspects of studying abroad is learning how to manage your time well. As part of your First Year Abroad program, learning goes far beyond your classroom walls! While experiential learning is the whole point of studying abroad, managing intercultural excursions and immersive learning with your classroom expectations can be challenging. Our academic support staff will be able to advise you on how to manage it all – you’ve got this!  

Read More: How to Handle Stress on a First Year Abroad Program  

What Happens if You Fail a College Course While Abroad?  

With all the support in place during a study abroad program like First Year Abroad, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll fail one of your study abroad courses. However, it’s important to keep in mind personal responsibility and adhere to the expectations of your program, including completing assignments on time and studying for exams, among other things.  

Most importantly, if you’re struggling with a course or concept, reach out to your professor and CIEE academic staff and tutors – sometimes, the hardest part of receiving help is simply asking for it.  

If you’re responsible for your academic work and ask for support when needed and you still fail one of your study abroad courses, unfortunately, you won’t gain credit for the class, and you’ll likely need to make up the credits when you return to the States. 

Again, there is a low chance you’ll fail a college course while abroad. Be sure to prioritize your academic work and lean on your support systems when needed and you’ll succeed in the classroom and beyond!  

And remember, it’s natural to ask yourself these questions. While there will always be challenges to any new experience in life, CIEE tries to make managing them as easy as possible!