
Gap Year Abroad Blog

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greatest hits (self roast post)

By Rachel F.

Well, my time here in Japan is coming to a close and I’m honestly really upset about it. I mean, it hasn’t actually hit me that I’m leaving, but the... keep reading

it's a choice

By Rachel F.

The choice to take a gap year is, obviously, different for everybody. It takes a lot of consideration and several variables to even begin considering if taking a year between... keep reading


By Rachel F.

Hi everyone, it’s been some time since my last blog entry. I know the end of the month is quickly approaching and you all were waiting for me to post... keep reading

breaking free

By Rachel F.

Isn’t is wild how much can change in just one year? If you stop and think of all the things that have changed in your life, it’ll seem pretty crazy... keep reading


What's Happening in Tokyo?

By High School Summer Abroad at CIEE

It's been a month since our gap students landed in Tokyo. Let's see what they have been doing! It all starts with orientation. You might be wondering how you can... keep reading

Photo Gallery : Kamogawa Seaworld Day Trip

By Eva H.

On Friday about two weeks ago, instead of having classes, my language school classmates and I took a day trip to Chiba to visit Kamogawa Seaworld and then go strawberry... keep reading

Cafe Da(ys)ZE

By Eva H.

Let's talk cafes. First of all, I am from Minnesota, so when someone says "Let's go to a cafe!" They're just using fancy-language to refer to coffee shops. Additionally, said... keep reading

FOOD ft. Story Time: Restaurant Edition

By Eva H.

"I hope you like seafood!" "You're going to eat nothing but fish and rice for three months!" "Aren't you going to miss normal food?" It seems like much of the... keep reading


By Maddy T.

Here's part 2 of The CIEE Study Tour, Miyajima. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Spooky Days

By Maddy T.

Originally I had assumed that Halloween wouldn’t be a big thing around here, and in some ways I was right. Pumpkin carving isn’t really done. Dressing in costumes in uncommon... keep reading

Weekend Getaway

By Maddy T.

It has been a crazy couple of weeks! Settling into our new homes, attending CIEE core classes and activities, and just plain adjusting to living in Japan. On top of... keep reading

I’m in Japan?

By Maddy T.

Bright and early, Monday, the 14 th of September, I walked into LAX International Airport. I was full of anticipation and excitement, ready to start my once-in-a-lifetime journey. About 5... keep reading