
Gap Year Abroad Blog

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Carnival Characters: Mask-Making Workshop

By Grace D.

Hey y'all! Have you ever heard of Carnival? I'm guessing that your mind first jumped to Rio de Janeiro and its Carnival. Carnaval dominicano is different, with its own particular... keep reading

Una Semana en Santiago: See What's Here

By Grace D.

Hey y'all! It's been about a week since I first touched down in Santiago. Coming from North Carolina winter, such as it is, to winter in the Caribbean has been... keep reading


A nice video & original song about Palma, by Raine Torres

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

By Raine Torres For Palma - Original Song This summer I and thirty-five other American high school students spent four weeks living as locals in Palma de Mallorca, Spain with... keep reading