
Gap Year Abroad Blog

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CIEE's Climate Warriors

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Climate change is among the biggest concerns threatening Monteverde’s famously rich ecosystems. Due to rising global temperatures, the timing, strength, and frequency of cloud cover and rainfall is becoming increasingly... keep reading

Internship Update: Project #1

By Owen R.

Wow, time flies here! At just over the two-month mark of my time here in Costa Rica, I finished the first significant part of my sustainable landscaping internship. This post... keep reading

Gap Student Meets Reality.

By Ivana Madeline S.

Although, I'm late in the game with uploading these blogs, don't worry I'm still here! Before I started my new life in Berlin, I expected two things: 1) It will... keep reading

Meet Ivana Madeline

By Ivana Madeline S.

Hey y’all! My name is Ivana Madeline Samson and I’m originally from Southern California. I’m currently 18 years old, but I’ll soon be 19 during abroad! I am part of... keep reading

A Free Day at Charlottenburg Palace and Gardens

By Lucia H.

Last week I found myself with a weekday free from any work or CIEE related commitments, and absolutely perfect sunny weather. So what did I do? I hopped on the... keep reading

My Internship Experience: Working at tbd*

By Lucia H.

I have now been living in Berlin for just under two months and I can barely believe how quickly the time has flown by. Seven weeks in a foreign country... keep reading


By Hannah S.

My semester in Berlin has been the best I could have imagined. I was able to experience an internship where I could be challenged to think outside of the box... keep reading



By College Study Abroad at CIEE

“Where are you from?” is a question I still get on the daily here in Berlin. “Minnesota,” I say, and then always the same statement: “Oh. Then you must be... keep reading