Grand Palace Bangkok
Picture taken at Lifehouse Cafe

Kelsey A.

Teach in Thailand Program

Kelsey is a TEFL-certified English teacher and is new to teaching abroad.  She is currently teaching for one year at Phanomsarakha School in Chachoengsao.  She received her bachelor's degree in 2013 from San Diego State University in Child and Family Development.  Before becoming an ESL teacher, Kelsey taught yoga and managed a yoga studio in San Diego, California.  Kelsey has lived in 7 different states throughout the U.S. and is excited to use her ability to adapt and be flexible to jump into her new life in Thailand.  She hopes to take her TEFL certification and continue to travel the world after completing her contract in Thailand.  Through blogging, Kelsey would like to share her experiences and show why so many people choose to come to this amazing country and offer guidance to anyone who is considering taking the same journey.


Exploring Thailand’s Vibrant Cafe Culture

By Kelsey A.

When we think of Thailand, our minds often drift to its rich history, bustling markets, and pristine beaches. But there’s another side to this captivating country that’s worth exploring: its... keep reading

Embracing Differences: A Glimpse into Thai School Culture vs. the US

By Kelsey A.

Education is a cornerstone of society, yet its practices vary widely across different cultures. One such contrast can be seen between Thailand and the United States, where the daily rituals... keep reading

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