mountains sunset monteverde costa rica
CIEE Staff

Lauren Ventresca

Climate Change Mitigation Monteverde, Costa Rica
Hometown: Chatham, NJ



Unexpected Communication

By Lauren Ventresca at CIEE

This blog was written by Izaiah Smith. Izaiah is a global navigator that is flexible and is always up for a challenge. Whether that is learning Spanish or meeting new... keep reading


Global Navigator Perspective: Food and Collaborative Learning

By Lauren Ventresca at CIEE

This blog was written by Sam Luria. Sam is a global navigator that is always asking deep questions and challenging our group to think more critically about climate change. Sam... keep reading


Global Navigator Perspective: Trees, Monkeys, Adventures, Oh My!

By Lauren Ventresca at CIEE

This blog was written by Keli Greene, a member of the Climate Change Mitigation group. Keli is a student that is constantly volunteering during class and engaging with material to... keep reading


Global Navigator Perspective: Zipping through the Rainforest

By Lauren Ventresca at CIEE

Global Navigator takes over the blog as Climate Change Mitigation students set out on a weekend of adventures. Some of the adventures including a challenging hike of El Tigre, horseback riding and zip lining through the rain forest!

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