Achill Island: Dipping our toes in the Atlantic

Programs for this blog post

Global Entrepreneurship

Authored By:

Nicole Walker

During our three-day excursion to the west coast of Ireland, we traveled from our home base of Westport to Achill Island. Pronounced ack-ul, this small island is one of the places in Ireland where Irish is still commonly spoken as a first language by some. Our program coordinator Sarah taught the students some Irish phrases on the bus.

Mei Qi looks over the cliffs on Achill Island en route to the beach. 

Though the weather was cold and rain was on the horizon, we walked down the coastline to a small slice of beach tucked away between the cliffs called Keem Bay. Though other tourists and locals were braving the water by swimming, snorkeling and surfing, some of us just managed to dip our feet in the water.

Keem Bay: A slice of beach on Achill Island 


Some of our students dipped their toes in the water, others tried to keep their shoes dry!
From Left to Right: Hunter, Caitlyn, Haley and Whit 
Robert braves the cold water. 
Juan, Rome, Zachary, and Mei Qi  look for the perfect stones to skip along the ocean. 


Ava stuggles to balance as she rinses her feet off and simulataneously puts her sandals on.