A Day Steeped in History:

Programs for this blog post

Global Entrepreneurship

Authored By:

Anthony Sia

The cobblestone streets of Berlin echoed with the eager steps as our student group visited this historically significant city's monuments and works of art. Their whirlwind tour began at the iconic Brandenburg Gate, a majestic archway towering over Pariser Platz. Built in the 18th century, it initially stood as a symbol of peace, but ultimately came to reflect the turbulent times that followed.

From there, the group moved on to the Reichstag building, the current seat of the German Parliament. 

Large screens displaying the World Cup served as a reminder of the normalcy and international connection that Berlin now embraces.

A poignant stop was the Bundesministerium der Finanzen, the German Federal Ministry of Finance. Its imposing presence stood as a testament to the nation's economic struggles and resilience, a stark contrast to the devastation witnessed at the Holocaust Memorial later on the tour. This powerful and moving tribute served as a somber reminder of a dark chapter in human history.

Students saw the Berlin Wall, a physical manifestation of division for nearly three decades, and reflected on the significance of its fall. The nearby Memorial to Georg Elser, a man who dared to defy Hitler, served as a poignant reminder of individual courage in the face of tyranny.

As the day drew to a close, the students reflected on the profound impact of their tour.