On fait la cuisine!

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French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Jeff Pageau

France is known world-wide for its cuisine.  Each region of France has its own distinct flavors: escargots in Burgundy, bouillabaisse in Provence, cassoulet in Occitan to name but a few.  Here in Brittany, butter is king.  But not just any butter....salted butter. Salted butter is the foundation of many Breton dishes and pasteries.  I am a fan of all French pasteries, but when I am in Rennes, I can never turn down a kouign amann.  Kouign amann is Breton for "butter cake".  As the name implies, there is a lot of butter that goes into making this recipe.  

Another popular sweet treet from this region of France are sablé.   Today, our Global Navigators embarked on a culinary adventure.  After their morning classes, we went to the Atelier Gourmand where the students learned how to make a traditional Breton cookie, sablé breton!  The cookie is similar to a shortbread.  You can make these cookies at home by clicking here to learn the recipe en français! 

The students had a great time collaborating with their partner and learning how to cook en français.  The chef also made a traditional caramel au beurre salé (salted butter caramel) to go with the sablé breton.

 Bon appétit!