Goodbye Lunch and Final Reflections

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Sarah Scrimshaw-Hall

This month has flown by and today was the final day of classes! The students gave their last presentations, talked about the reflection journals, and watched a video of the trip put together by our intern, Grace. At the goodbye lunch we ate some Spanish tapas and handed out certificates to each student. As the program leaders we are so proud of this group! Their Spanish has improved, they've made new friends, and learned more about themselves. We asked some of them to contribute to the blog this week with reflections, memories, and things they have learned. 

For me one of my favorite memories is going to Madrid because I feel like a lot of people started bonding there and making friends. I feel like I’ve learned a lot about myself here and what I’m comfortable with and how to push my boundaries in a way I haven’t had to before.     -Ella

I enjoyed going to the waterfalls. We have really become a family -Elena 

I learned the importance of naps and sunscreen!     -Finn

Being here has solidified my belief that there are so many people who want to help you in all facets of life. The teachers, staff, and group leaders have shown me that there are so many people willing to help you, in general and especially on the trip.     -Charlotte

My favorite memory from this trip was the night of Hogueras after the firefighters finished extinguishing the hoguera they turned the hoses and sprayed us all. It was so fun and despite being drenched I wanted to do it again!     -Jazlene

Living here I have a second family and have loved every moment of being here. I already can’t wait to come back and visit with my family again.     -Ollie

During my time here I have learned so much about Spain’s culture and have so many unforgettable memories. I feel like I have a second family here in Spain!     -Samantha