How Can I Help My Teen Pick a Study Abroad Program?

Is your teen thinking about studying abroad? That’s super exciting! Choosing the right program, however, can feel overwhelming—especially if your teen is having a hard time deciding where they want to study! 

There are a lot of factors to consider—from language and program length to location and program subject. Let’s walk through four important questions to ask to help you determine which program is the best fit for your young student.  

Is Your Teen Interested in Learning a World Language? 

One of the most common reasons to study abroad is language and cultural immersion. In fact, there’s no faster way to learn a language! Below are the nine foreign language study abroad programs currently available across high school summer abroad programs: 

  1. Arabic 
  2. Chinese 
  3. French 
  4. German 
  5. Italian 
  6. Japanese 
  7. Korean 
  8. Portuguese 
  9. Spanish 

Many of the language programs listed above offer introductory level classes. This means your teen does not necessarily have to have previous experience to participate in the language program they’re interested in. 

Learn how to support your teen while they’re studying abroad. 

What Subject Is Your Teen Interested In? 

Imagine your teen spending three weeks exploring a subject they love in an exciting place.  

Learn more about the study abroad courses and subjects we offer: 

Arts & Culture 

Arts and culture programs allow students to explore fascinating local art and learn valuable skills that can later be applied to their college studies or careers. If your teen loves art and/or already creates their own art pieces, these programs are a great way for them to see what careers in the art world can look like. Some highlight programs include Fashion Design in Paris and Manga Creative Writing in Kyoto.  


Business-focused high school study abroad programs provide students with practical skills in budgeting, pricing, promotion, and selling while exploring vibrant entrepreneurial cities, such as Berlin, Barcelona, London, and Singapore. During their summer program, your teen will tour innovative startups and family-owned local businesses to see firsthand how ideas become reality. If your teen is business-minded, these programs can prepare them for a global business landscape. 

Leadership & Service 

From public health to education, service-learning study abroad programs give students an eye-opening experience while allowing them to learn real-world skills and give back to a local community. If your student is interested in a career in the NGO or nonprofit sector, these programs could be a perfect fit to help them begin to understand how such organizations operate. 

Social Change 

Social change programs focus on subjects like diplomacy, world government, and social justice issues. These opportunities allow your teen to participate in conversations with leaders and gain an introductory understanding of global politics and economics. If your student wants to meet other like-minded teens and share ideas on how to make a difference, these programs are excellent options. 


In today’s world, a career in STEM offers global opportunities. If your teen loves solving problems and thinking ahead, these programs can help them understand how to apply their ideas in the real world. Along the way, they’ll learn important skills and make international connections, leading to incredible opportunities for their college studies or career. STEM programs include subjects like engineering, conservation, and sustainability. 

Do High School Study Abroad Programs Offer Scholarships? 

Yes, there are scholarships and awards available for our high school summer abroad programs! CIEE awards millions every year to provide high-achieving students of all socio-economic backgrounds with study abroad financial aid.  

Learn more about Global Navigator Scholarships

Do Any Programs Offer Study Abroad Transfer Credit? 

CIEE's high school summer abroad Language & Culture programs allow teens to earn 4 college credits. Tulane University, CIEE’s School or Record and one of the U.S.’s top-ranked universities, would award your teen those 4 college credits. 

If your teen wants to meet their college language requirements and earn credentials they can showcase on college applications, you should consider opting for college credit through our Language & Culture programs. 

Choosing a Summer Study Abroad Program 

We hope these answers will help you and your teen pick the best high school summer abroad experience for them. No matter which program they choose, their study abroad activities will benefit your teen for years to come. 

If you’d like to know more about a specific program you have in mind for your teen, schedule a call with a CIEE Enrollment Coordinator!