K-Pop Immersion Session 2: Ready, Set, Go!

Programs for this blog post

K-Pop Immersion

Authored By:

Kanong Lee

Welcome to Day 3 of the K-pop Immersion Program (Session 2)! So far, we have been able to experience traditional Korean cuisine, explore the hidden gems around our hotel, and learn how to use the public transportation system.

On our first day in S. Korea, we were met with pouring rain. But we didn’t let that stop us from exploring Insadong, the neighboring area next to our hotel. Insadong is an area famous for showcasing Korean culture and tradition. Here you can find traditional Korean cuisine, visit and enjoy Korean teahouses, and view various art galleries from local artists. As we explored Insadong, we enjoyed a luxurious lunch filled with many different kinds of Korean dishes and got to see many different boutique stores.

Day 1: Exploring Insadong

On our second day in S. Korea, we continued to explore Seoul. Students were grouped together and participated in a photo scavenger hunt where they were tasked with learning how to navigate the public transportation system. Each group had three destinations (Gwanghwamun Gate, Cheonggyecheon Stream, and Dongdaemun History and Culture Park), and were asked to take group photos at each place to prove that they were able to successfully make it there. Despite the humid weather, all groups were able to make it to the locations and had a great time exploring some of Seoul's most famous spots.

Day 2: Photo Scavenger Hunt

As we continue with the program, we hope that all participating students will get to enjoy their time here as much as they can. We have plans to continue to explore Seoul by going to fun cafes, visiting Myeongdong and Hongdae, and eating lots Korean street food! Stay tuned for more of our fun adventures!!