A Londoner in the Sun

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Theatre Arts on London’s Stage

Authored By:

Darby McHugh

So far, our time in London has been so unseasonably warm and sunny that some Londoners have been "chuffed" enough to thank us Americans for bringing the sunshine!  Thus, today's play-themed blogpost offers a nod to Lorraine Hansberry's poignant masterpiece, A Raisin in the Sun.

Sunday:  With such a full schedule of adventure, experience, and learning, we were especially grateful to have most of the day today free for exploration!  We started off by the Tower Bridge early in the day but then were able to gad about wherever the wind blew!  

Monday:  British sports anyone?!  This morning offered a fun class in athletic culture - Hello??!!  Football IS ACTUALLY SOCCER everyone!!  We took a quick trek to a neighborhood court and learned about Netball - a popular British game - and promptly tried to trounce each other with our newly developed mad skills!  Classes in the afternoon were followed by a cookout at the center and evening free time. 

Tuesday:  Huzzah!  A lie-in morning in prep for being up late tonight for Matilda!  It was indeed lovely to be able to take our waking slowly and enjoy the rest.  We had classes and a quick center dinner before heading down to the West End for our first group musical!  While quite a few of the students had seen the movie, not all knew about the musical and it was a treat for all!  On the advice of our center director, Mark, we partook in the British custom of eating wee ice creams at "interval" (the intermission!) and had an absolutely lovely evening! 

Wednesday:  Who knew about the Royal Albert Hall??!! Apparently not nearly enough of us because this incredible engineering feat of architecture is one of the most famed venues in the world for all things arts and sciences and we learned much on our tour!  Some free time around Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace came after and then it was back to the center for class!  Early turn in today so we can pack for our overnight adventure to STRATFORD UPON AVON!

More to come!