Playing Pétanque in a Roman arena - Our own Jeux Olympiques

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French Language & Culture

A Roman Arena in Paris?  Yes!  Hidden in a park in the 5th arrondissement , one can find the remains of a small Roman arena - Les Arènes de Lutèce.  Frequented by mothers and children, school kids playing soccer and Parisians on lunch break, this was the perfect place to teach the CIEE students the game of Pétanque!

The origin of Pétanque dates back to the time of the Gaules.  But the modern game we see today played all across France originated in a small town in Provence, La Ciotat.  Today you can see people of all ages playing Pétanque in parks. It might even be considered the national sport, next to soccer, of course.

Students learned the terms in French and the rules as they played in groups.  Some students took to it quite quickly!  First, you throw “le cochonnet” - the small ball that becomes the target.  Then each player takes turns trying to throw their “boules” close to le cochonnet.  There are some more rules involved depending the on the number of players on each team, but the first team to reach 13 wins.

I have a feeling some students will be asking to purchase this game once they get back home, taking a part of French culture home with them.