When Is the Best Time to Study Abroad in High School?

Studying abroad is for more than just college students. Studying abroad in high school is an invaluable experience that will be formative in your growth and development and give you lasting friendships. 

There are many logistical factors to figure out, like where to go, what to study, how long to go, and what the best year to study abroad is. These are important things to consider and will depend on your unique circumstances and goals!  

Luckily, your options are not limited. 

The Shorter-Term Option: High School Summer Abroad 

On summer abroad programs, which typically take place in June and July, you will gain a more global perspective than if you participate in a different high school summer program like a summer camp or college prep course, and your three to four weeks will feel rich and expansive despite their relative brevity. Few high school students participate in study abroad programs, at only 2 percent each year, despite it being a great option, whatever your travel experience and whatever your academic interests. Destinations and subjects for high school summer abroad programs are abundant.  

High School Study Abroad: Semester-Long Programs 

Did you know that there are high school semester abroad programs available where you can spend a semester, trimester, or academic year attending a high school in another country?  

High school semester abroad programs are great for students who can embrace a longer-term adventure. In most destinations, you will benefit from full immersion and live with a host family, building deep and lasting relationships with your homestay and classmates.  

Gap Year and First Year of College Study Abroad Programs  

Gap year programs are for students who have recently graduated high school, applying for one of these programs before they start college. These programs allow you to see the world, immerse yourself in a language, and even start your college studies abroad.  

On gap year programs, you will take language classes, live with a host family, and explore the local culture and traditions. Gap year programs are great if you want that extra experience to help you feel confident about going to college and deciding on your path of study. This option also provides much more language immersion, helping you to improve your fluency.  

Another great high school study abroad option is to complete your first year of college abroad. You will return to university in the U.S. after this first year and those credits you earn abroad will be transferred to your new institution. There are amazing locations to explore for this program. You will have many interesting course options and begin college in an unforgettable way. Why wait to study abroad later in college when you can spend the exploratory and introductory phase of your studies literally exploring the world? 

The Best Year to Study Abroad Is Any Year You Are Able 

You may already be set on participating in a gap year abroad program or starting your first year of college abroad after graduating high school; in that case, when is the best time to study abroad is not something you have to ask yourself. The timing is already taken care of!  

However, remember you are not limited to participating in a study abroad program until you finish high school. If your finances and academics allow you to, you could consider participating in a high school summer abroad program or even doing a high school semester abroad.  

CIEE accepts students upon completing their freshman year of high school and as late as the summer after senior year. This provides you with a lot of flexibility if, for instance, you have a family trip, a summer job, or a different summer activity to complete for multiple summers. 

Suppose you are in your first year of high school and considering a semester abroad. In that case, you will want to consider the classes you will take each semester, and, if these are necessary for graduation, you will need to find out if they are offered multiple times throughout your high school career. Academics come first, so ensure your study abroad experience won't detract from your success!  

Why You Shouldn't Wait Until College to Study Abroad  

Studying abroad is a popular college experience but also an excellent option for high schoolers. High school classes are more predictable than in college, so you can more easily plan when and where to go.  

In high school, you are required to take a language, so you will reap the benefits of the language immersion aspect of studying abroad. However, in college, you may not be taking a language anymore due to your chosen major, so you may be limited to traveling to English-speaking countries or be at a disadvantage when in a non-English-speaking country, which may detract from your experience.  

Studying Abroad Is the Best College Prep You Can Do 

Another reason studying abroad in high school is so valuable is that it will prepare you for college. You will be more independent and have more life experiences than your peers entering your first year. In college, you might have more factors that complicate timing decisions, such as applications to your intended major, subletting your dorm or apartment, internships, and other professional opportunities. The experience will still be valuable but may slow down your degree and cost more.  

It's Okay If You Still Don't Know When to Go 

There is no right or wrong time to study abroad. Don’t worry about being too early or young in your high school career and don’t worry about being too late or too old to benefit from the experience.  

Keep exploring and apply for your high school study abroad program when you're ready!