tokyo street with neon lights
CIEE Staff

Emily Sorensen

Japanese Pop Culture: Anime & Manga Tokyo, Japan



Beyond The Comfort Zone: Forging Interpersonal and Intercultural Connections

By Emily Sorensen at CIEE

“koketsu ni irazunba koji wo ezu” is a Japanese proverb that loosely translates as “nothing ventured, nothing gained” and it adequately reflects the experiences of our scholars in week two... keep reading


A Week of Discovery in Japan: First Impressions and Adventures

By Emily Sorensen at CIEE

After a week in Japan, our group of students are already brimming with stories and experiences that will last a lifetime. From mastering the basics of the Japanese language to... keep reading


Taking a Leap of Faith

By Emily Sorensen at CIEE

This week our travelers had a chance to visit the Buddhist temple, Kiyomizudera. Now familiar with Kyoto's public transportation, students took a bus to their destination and walked up Kiyomizumichi... keep reading

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