A Week of Discovery in Japan: First Impressions and Adventures

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Japanese Pop Culture: Anime & Manga

Authored By:

Emily Sorensen

After a week in Japan, our group of students are already brimming with stories and experiences that will last a lifetime. From mastering the basics of the Japanese language to exploring historical sites and soaking in traditional customs, it's been a whirlwind of discovery and cultural immersion.


Beginning Our Japanese Journey

The week started with a crash course in Japanese, a language both beautiful and complex. Our students, most of whom were complete beginners, dived into their first Japanese class with enthusiasm. They tackled the basics: learning how to introduce themselves, mastering the intricacies of hiragana, and practicing simple conversations. Though challenging, the class sparked a keen interest in the students, and they quickly began using their new skills.

Writing the Japanese alphabet
Japanese class




The Odawara and Hakone Adventure

Mid-week, we embarked on an overnight trip to Odawara and Hakone, two beautiful locations that offer a blend of history, nature, and traditional Japanese culture.

Odawara Castle

Odawara Castle: A Step Back in Time

Our first stop was Odawara Castle, a beautiful example of feudal Japanese architecture. As we walked through the grounds, students were captivated by the tales of samurais and battles that once took place here. The castle, provided a perfect backdrop for countless photos and a deep dive into Japan’s storied past.

Next on the itinerary was the Hakone Open-Air Museum, an enchanting fusion of art and nature. Students marveled at the striking sculptures and installations scattered across the lush grounds. From intricate carvings to avant-garde pieces, each artwork told a story, framed by the backdrop of Hakone’s hills. Students also partook in a photo contest in which they tried to match some of the poses of these incredible sculptures.

Hakone Open-Air Museum sculpture posing


A Traditional Experience in Hakone

Their day culminated in an unforgettable stay at a traditional ryokan in Hakone. This wasn’t just any hotel stay, it was a step into the heart of Japanese culture. The students were introduced to the custom of wearing yukata, lightweight kimonos perfect for relaxing after a long day of exploration.

Dinner was a kaiseki feast, a multi-course meal that offered a symphony of flavors, from delicate sashimi to savory tempura. The evening’s entertainment? A spirited session of karaoke in the dining room, where they sang their hearts out to both Japanese hits and international favorites.

Ryokan karaoke session

Before retiring to their tatami-mat rooms, the students indulged in the soothing waters of the ryokan’s onsen, the traditional hot springs that are a staple of Japanese relaxation. For many, it was their first time experiencing the serene, communal bathing ritual. The warm, mineral-rich waters melted away the day’s fatigue, leaving them relaxed and rejuvenated.

From Hakone we journeyed to Owakudani, a volcanic valley known for its hot springs and sulfur vents. The weather took a turn for the worse, with rain and wind lashing the group as they explored the eerie, steam-filled landscape. Yet, their determination never wavered. Umbrellas in hand, they braved the inclement weather, taking in the unique, rugged beauty of the area and sampling the famous black eggs, said to add seven years to one's life.


Students about to enjoy a black egg; the snack that will extend your life by 7 years!


Reflecting on an Unforgettable Week

As their first week in Japan drew to a close, students found themselves reflecting on the incredible experiences they had shared. From the bustling energy of their language classes to the tranquil beauty of Hakone’s landscapes, every moment has been a lesson in the richness of Japanese culture.

Though the weather has thrown a few challenges our way, it has only added to the adventure. Students faced the elements with determination, emerging from their week with not just new vocabulary and cultural insights, but with a deeper appreciation for the land they are exploring.

As they prepare for the week ahead, their journey promises even more discoveries and unforgettable memories in the Land of the Rising Sun.