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High School Gap Year

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How I Adjusted to Spanish Life During My Gap Year in Spain

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Maxine G., a CIEE Global Navigator alum, shares her transformative experience during her Gap Year Abroad program in Sevilla, Spain. Initially nervous about adjusting to a new culture, she quickly adapted to Spanish customs, such as the lively social scene and unique mealtimes. She highlights the joy of outdoor dining, the significance of the Spanish siesta, and the difference in meal schedules, noting that lunch is the largest meal, typically enjoyed around 2 or 3 PM, and dinner is served late. Maxine reflects on how these cultural differences enriched her understanding of Spain, making her gap year a life-changing adventure that broadened her perspective.


Why a Gap Year Abroad Is the Perfect Next Step for Your Teen

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

If you have a teenager getting ready to graduate high school, you may have heard of the idea of a "gap year" and have questions about it. A gap year... keep reading


How Do Visas Work When Studying Abroad for a Gap Year?

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

One of the major hurdles for students contemplating studying abroad for a gap year can be the visa process. Most gap year semester programs do not require a visa, however... keep reading


Discoveries within the Daily Life of Kyoto

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

If you’re here, you’re looking right at the immersive program at CIEE. Maybe you have questions: What will life be like? What to expect, what to be aware of, and... keep reading


Taking a GAP Year in Japan

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Post submitted by Emma C, Gap Year in Japan '23 When I was 13 years old, I decided I wanted to study abroad. I had visited a museum that featured... keep reading


Everything You Need to Know About Taking a Gap Year

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Thinking about taking a gap year abroad? You may have a lot of questions varying from cost to length of time, and even where to go. Big decisions can be... keep reading


CIEE's Climate Warriors

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Climate change is among the biggest concerns threatening Monteverde’s famously rich ecosystems. Due to rising global temperatures, the timing, strength, and frequency of cloud cover and rainfall is becoming increasingly... keep reading


From Onsite to Online Cultural Activities in Toulouse

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

AND…Life must go on! Since the beginning of November, France has been under lockdown again. This means, for CIEE staff and student, that the program keeps going on…line. GYA students... keep reading


A Day trip to Carcassonne

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Occitanie region includes some of the most remarkable site in France. Carcassonne is one of them and is an absolute must-see when visiting the south-west of France. From Toulouse, it... keep reading


Is this real?

By High School Gap Year at CIEE

Our Gap students arrived in Toulouse on September 28, almost four weeks ago already! And yet, they continue asking themselves: is this real? It always takes time to fully grasp... keep reading