Berlin Cathedral with boat going under bridge.
Profile photo of
CIEE Staff

Marina Tavarez

Global Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Europe
Hometown: New York City



A Step in to History: A Student's Berlin Awakening

By Marina Tavarez at CIEE

Our Berlin adventure, as a group of students on an entrepreneurship program, wasn't just about brainstorming business plans and navigating the city's sights. Berlin is a living museum, where the... keep reading


From Hygge to Hausparty: A Student's Copenhagen to Berlin Odyssey

By Marina Tavarez at CIEE

Swapping the pastel-hued canals of Copenhagen for the gritty, graffiti-strewn streets of Berlin might seem like a dramatic shift. But for a gaggle of wide-eyed students, they were ready for... keep reading


Viking Charm and Hygge Vibes: CIEE Students Immerse Themselves in Copenhagen

By Marina Tavarez at CIEE

Copenhagen, the vibrant capital of Denmark, is proving to be a captivating classroom for students enrolled in CIEE's study abroad program. These young scholars are venturing beyond textbooks, experiencing firsthand... keep reading


Defining, Developing, Designing, & Discovering: How Station and Copenhill inspired our creative thinking

By Marina Tavarez at CIEE

This newsletter was created by Michael Glazkov, student guest blogger, and edited by the CIEE Global Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Europe Team. Goddag og velkommen (Hello and Welcome), It has... keep reading


It’s all in the details – Compare and Contrast Ireland and Denmark on our Multi-site Experiences – on to Copenhagen…

By Marina Tavarez at CIEE

This blog was created by Naomi McCloskey, another program leader on our CIEE Multi-site Global Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Europe Team. Hej (Hello) After a full week of exploring Dublin... keep reading


Irish Culture – Respect for History and Proud of Team Sports

By Marina Tavarez at CIEE

This blog was created by Naomi McCloskey, another program leader on our CIEE Multi-site Global Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Europe Team. There have been many historical experiences while in Dublin... keep reading


The entrepreneurial spirit begins!

By Marina Tavarez at CIEE

Top'O the mornin' to ya! Hello from Dublin! As the students gear up for their week of entrepreneurial immersion, the morning was off to a great start of orientation in... keep reading


Bia, Caint, Ceol, agus Craic: Food, Chatter, Music, and Fun! (Our 1st day in Dublin)

By Marina Tavarez at CIEE

This newsletter was created by Michael Glazkov, student guest blogger, and edited by the CIEE Global Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Europe Team. Our first day in Europe started off with... keep reading


Rainbows, Butterflies and Water Falls Oh My...The magic of Iguazu Falls

By Marina Tavarez at CIEE

What an incredible treat the kids were exposed to over the weekend. We flew from Buenos Aires to Iguazu , where we were greeted by the warmth sub tropical climate... keep reading


Indeed, it Takes Two To Tango|

By Marina Tavarez at CIEE

Our students had the magnificent opportunity to experience the passion and delight of the world famous Argentinian Tango and indulge in delicious Empanadas !! For their meriendas,the students were first... keep reading