2024 Douglass-O'Connell Global Interns

  • The 2024 cohort of Global Interns
  • 2024 FDDO interns on a bus
  • 2024 fddo cohort

2024 Global Interns

During their eight weeks in Ireland, the 2024 Douglass-O’Connell Global Interns attended lectures on the history of social change in Ireland, participated in extracurricular and networking activities, and interned with a host company that aligned with their skills and career goals.

Whether writing, editing, and publishing articles for one of Ireland’s leading media companies, analyzing data-based trends to optimize urban transportation for a cutting-edge Transportation Tech startup, or advocating for human rights for those living in chronic poverty, the interns not only grew professionally but also contributed to the important work of their host companies as they worked alongside Irish colleagues.

The following 15 incredibly talented and diverse students were selected from more than 300 highly competitive applicants based on their demonstrated leadership and communication skills and their commitment to fostering positive social change:

  • Alison Franks - Saint Edward's University
  • Annia Pallares zur Nieden - University of California-Irvine
  • Braydon Morgan - Washington State University
  • Cesy Acosta - Stanford University
  • Finley Warren - Spelman College
  • Heaven Day - Benedict College
  • Heaven Hymes - Hampton University
  • Juan Pablo Briones Lopez - Bentley University
  • Ke'Aun Dent - Morehouse College
  • Khadidiatou Dieng - Arizona State University
  • Rhiannon Camarillo - Duke University
  • Sofia Rojas - Barnard College
  • Stephen Carter - Paul Quinn College
  • Tianni Carson - Howard University
  • Victoria Wilson - Barnard College

Meet the 2024 Global Interns



The Douglass-O'Connell Global Internship

A prestigious award for meritorious individuals who demonstrate high academic achievement, possess exemplary communication skills, display the hallmarks of self-determination, exhibit characteristics of bold leadership, and have a history of service to others.