How to Explore London on a Budget

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By: Ash Pickett

London’s 1.32 conversion rate is not for the faint of heart. When I 1rst arrived in the city, I was paralyzed by the thought of overspending on food, transportation, activities, travel, and more. At times, it feels easier to stay in all day and save myself the 40 pounds I might spend on the underground and hit-or-miss street food. London is a bustling place with endless entertainment and so many unique experiences to oIer, though, and you won’t want to miss out on any of it. I was able to live in and enjoy London on a tight budget, and I fell in love with the city in the 12 weeks I was there. Here’s how you can do the same, whether you’re tracking every pound like me, or simply want some new recommendations.

One of my favorite activities was going to a nearby park and people-watching. I would bring some cheese and fruit, a book, or some friends to keep me company, and it was always a fun time. Fun fact: about 20% of London is public green space, making it a great place to choose a random direction to walk in then stumble upon a lush green park to explore.

Go to one of London’s many free museums. Most museums in London are free and just ask for voluntary donations. On exhibition road, you can hit the Natural History Museum, Science Museum, Clockmakers’ Museum, and Victoria and Albert Museum all in one day. Buckingham Palace is just a 40 minute walk away as well (which is short in London standards)! Many of London’s museums will also host free museum lates, where they open up at night for a crowd typically 18 years and older, and they have live music, drinks, interactive exhibitions, and more.

Make yourself a scavenger hunt to 1nd fun locations in London. Before I left the U.S., a friend of mine sent me a scavenger hunt list with 33 items to complete. You can personalize it to your own liking, for example: a) Visit Leadenhall Market where Harry Potter was 1lmed, b) Listen to Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles on Abbey Road, c) Find the fake bridge in Hampstead Heath without using directions.

I’ve come to adore London’s oIerings as I’ve spent more time here. Walk around as much as you can and discover new areas, and make sure to treat yourself to something nice every once and a while, even if you are on a tight budget. It’s a city that can be enjoyed without spending too much, but that doesn't mean you have to cut yourself oI 100%. London is an exciting and diverse city, so get out there and see as much of it as you can!