A Day in the Life of a Global Navigator

Programs for this blog post

Smart Cities & Sustainability

Authored By:

Crissy Matlick

A Day in the Life of a Global Navigator in Amsterdam!

Morning Magic:

  • Rise and Shine: Start your day with a delicious breakfast at the StayOkay hostel. Fuel up for the exciting adventures ahead!
  • Class Time: Head over to the CIEE center for interactive and engaging classes where you dive into the world of sustainability and smart cities.

Midday Marvels:

  • Lunch Break: After class, stroll to the University of Amsterdam campus for lunch. The canteen is a food lover's paradise with fresh meals and yummy snacks galore!

Afternoon Adventures:

  • Explore & Learn: Afternoons are all about exploration! Visit fascinating museums or unique spots around Amsterdam that show how this city leads the way in sustainability.
  • Free Time Fun: With some free time, you can wander through charming cafes, quirky shops, and beautiful parks. Discover the hidden gems of Amsterdam at your own pace.

Evening Excitement:

  • Dinner Together: Gather back at the hostel for a hearty dinner with your fellow navigators. Share stories and laughter as you reflect on your day.
  • Team Building: Get ready for some fun team-building activities led by your awesome program leaders. It's all about bonding and making memories!
  • Chill Time: Before lights out, enjoy some downtime. Challenge friends to a game of pool or foosball, or maybe swing and play outside under the evening sky.

Every day is an adventure, filled with learning, laughter, and new experiences in the vibrant city of Amsterdam!