The Hague & Madurodam...The Adventures Continue

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Inside World Governance

Authored By:

Daniel Taylor

On Thursday, the students got the opportunity to visit The Hague.  The Hague is the political "capital" of the Netherlands.  Here the students got the opportunity to learn more about the Dutch Parliament and to tour the facility where the Dutch Parliament is housed. Students got the opportunity to view two live debates about issues facing the Dutch government.  The students got the opportunity to have a Q&A session with a gentleman that is part of Parliament.  Students were given the opportunity to actually sit in the chambers were the Dutch Parliament meets.  This was a very enlightning time for the students as they got to actually delve more into Dutch history.

Upon leaving the Parliament building and after lunch, students embarked on a journey to Madurodam.  Here the students got the opportunity to enjoy a picturesque park of miniature replicas of major places and monuments of the Netherlands.  While here the students participated in a scavenger hunt that gave them the opportunity to learn about the history of the country.

Overall, the day was a good day.  The adventures continue!!!