Long Day's Journey into..... LONDON!

Programs for this blog post

Theatre Arts on London’s Stage

Authored By:

Darby McHugh

We've been here a few days but everything before now has been a blur of excitement, new adventures, and figuring STUFF out so it feels like it's been one long, extended time!  We're finally settling in and it's time start our BLOG!!

Here's a brief breakdown:

Saturday/Sunday:  Gathering and collecting each other at various airports, flying through the night to Heathrow, and then traveling to our hotel in the heart of London.  We pushed through stubborn jetlag to attend orientation at CIEE and get a quick tour of the area b/w the hotel and the center - definitely important!!  The tour ended at a nearby Mediterranean restaurant with multiple courses of tapas-type foods!

Monday:  Our main orientation day for the overall London experience.... we went over everything from the syllabus to transportation tips to cultural differences.  Some of it was fun (goofy ice breaker snowball fight) and some pretty serious (police safety presentation).  Later that same day found us on a tour bus for a overview of London proper - the River Thames, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye, Tower of London, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, etcetcetc!!  Topped off by a relaxing pizza dinner at the center, it was a wonderful glimpse into all the adventure that awaits!

Tuesday:  A scavenger hunt at the British History Museum was first on our agenda.  Highlights included seeing the Rosetta Stone in person and having spirited discussion on British colonialism!  We're continually delighted by students' insight and conviction! After another delicious lunch in the center cafe, we had our first set of classes.  Richard schooled us in language and culture and blew our minds with the fact that "Cholmondeley" is pronounced "Chomley!"  Who knew?!  

Finally, our first theater program class with Abraham and Simon - a stimulating discussion on the purpose and effect of theater....followed by some introductory games and activities meant to whet appetites for what is to come:)  Our evening offered free time to explore and dinner out on the town!

A final note: 

We're really very proud of these kiddos - they've navigated huge airports and plane delays, scary social situations, new foods, and conflicting emotions.  They're learning to be flexible and adaptable.  As program leaders, we've been so encouraged to see the kids willing to risk engagement and interaction - they're starting to make connections and bond in meaningful ways. We've also noticed a very sweet willingness to accept and care for one another.... This is a lovely group:)