Welcome to "High School Summer Abroad Language & Culture" - Summer 2024

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Alexandra Plese

Yesterday, the students from the "High School – Language & Culture" program arrived at the Seville airport, full of enthusiasm and ready to start this adventure in Seville. We were warmly welcomed by the CIEE Seville staff at the airport and after checking in, we went to the Novotel Hotel where host families were waiting to take the students home to rest and prepare for the first day of orientation.

HSSA students at the arrivals gate of Seville airport.

Today, Monday, June 10, we officially started the program with a full day of orientation at the Novotel Hotel. The students began the day with breakfast at their host homes and then met at various meeting points with their orientation guides to accompany them to the informational sessions at the hotel, which were conducted by the CIEE Seville staff.

HSSA students meeting their Spanish host family at the orientation hotel.

The orientation began at 10:00 a.m. with a welcome and an overview of the program, followed by a break to rest. Afterwards, there was an academic session where students met their teachers and group mates. During lunch, they had the opportunity to socialize and get to know their program leaders and peers better.

The afternoon continued with informational sessions about family life and safety in Seville, essential topics to ensure everyone has a rich and safe experience. The day will conclude with a cultural activity, where students will explore the neighborhoods to familiarize themselves with their new surroundings.

Students during the orientation sessions
Welcome session for the students, led by the director of CIEE Seville and the Program Managers of the Honors and Language & Culture programs.

We are very excited about everything this summer has in store for us and we are confident it will be a transformative experience for all our students.

Welcome to Seville and let the adventure begin!