Write of Passage: From Dickens' London to Stratford-upon-Avon

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Creative Writing in Literary London

Authored By:

Maureen Tromley

Greetings from London! Our high school creative writing program has been a whirlwind of inspiration, exploration, and, of course, a bit of British charm. Here’s a peek into the past few days that have been nothing short of extraordinary.

Wordsworth and Westminster: A Poetic Stroll

We started our literary journey by following in the footsteps of William Wordsworth on Westminster Bridge. Picture this: the mid-morning sun casting a golden glow over the Thames, Big Ben standing tall, and a group of young writers armed with notebooks. We read Wordsworth’s “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge” and then wrote our own reflections on the city. Our modern takes added a fresh twist to Wordsworth’s serene observations, complete with references to bustling traffic, dense crowds, and the occasional selfie.

Tea, Tunes, and a Bit of Netball

Next, we dove headfirst into British culture with a language and culture class focusing on music, food, and sports. We jammed out to legends like Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, and even discussed the punk revolution with The Sex Pistols. Our lively discussions spanned the evolution of British music, touching on the influential waves of Indian British and African British music that have shaped the modern scene. Then it was time for afternoon tea—sandwiches, scones, and pastries galore. As if that wasn’t enough, we rounded off the week learning about British sports, getting the lowdown on cricket, and even playing a bit of netball. Think basketball, but with more rules and British accents. It was a blast, even if we were all a bit wobbly on the rules.

Oxford: Punts and Pretty Views

Saturday was all about Oxford. We hopped on a bus and headed to the historic university town. The highlight? Punting on the river. Imagine us, lounging in boats, while charming boys (think young, British heartthrobs) punted us down the river. After that dreamy experience, we explored the Oxford Covered Market for lunch, indulging in local delicacies and browsing unique shops before we were guided on a walking tour of the quaint town and its many colleges. 

Dickensian Dramas on a Walking Tour

Our literary journey wouldn’t be complete without a deep dive into the world of Charles Dickens. We embarked on a Dickens' London walking tour, winding through the same streets that inspired his timeless tales. From the shadowy alleyways to bustling markets, we got a real feel for Dickensian London. Our guide was a hoot, regaling us with stories of Dickens' life and the colorful characters he created. We left feeling inspired and ready to write our own Victorian adventures.

Shakespeare Shenanigans 

Our literary pilgrimage continued with a visit to Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare. We stepped into Shakespeare's schoolroom, where we imagined what it was like to be a young bard in training. To get the full experience, the students even tried their hands at writing with a quill and inkpot. The quaint town and its rich history provided endless inspiration for our writing.

These past few days have been packed with unforgettable moments, laughter, and a whole lot of writing. From poetic mornings on Westminster Bridge to punting like pros in Oxford, we've been soaking up every bit of inspiration this incredible city has to offer. Stay tuned for more tales from our creative journey through London!