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High School Summer Abroad Blog

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Amazing China trip

By Xi Lin at CIEE

A lot of students said to me, "can not believe there is only few days left! We have to going back to USA. I want to stay in China longer."... keep reading


Chinese Breakfasts of Champions

By Karen Du at CIEE

There's something about breakfast foods that excites and intrigues us. Some of our most nostalgic and delicious foods are breakfast foods! After all, it is our first meal of the... keep reading


lotus culutre, lotus cake

By Xi Lin at CIEE

The lotus flower is one of the most significant flowers in the Chinese culture.Chinese love lotus because the lotus flowers rises from the mud and blooms in exquisite beauty it... keep reading


Zumba in China?? Of course!!

By Jonathan Fall at CIEE

Everyone is recovering from a long but fun weekend in Shanghai, so what’s the best way to restore everyone’s energy? With some dancing, of course! On Tuesday of the third... keep reading


寄宿家庭 A Host Family?! AHHHH!

By Karen Du at CIEE

Host family noun. a family which opens its doors to experience a new culture and provides a home away from home. One of the most special things about our Nanjing... keep reading


Seeing Nanjing from atop a historical landmark

By Jonathan Fall at CIEE

In 1929, the Nationalist Chinese government moved the body of revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen to a lavish tomb on the Purple Mountain in Nanjing. 90 years later, a group of... keep reading


Cultivation in China

By Karen Du at CIEE

Students last week tried their hands (literally) at both Chinese calligraphy writing 写书法 and the ancient martial art form, Tai Chi 太极拳! Chinese calligraphy dates back to 1100 BCE, even... keep reading


When in Rome, make Chinese food.

By Xi Lin at CIEE

July 14, in the morning, level 1 and 2 students did their Chinese presentations in class summarizing what they had learned the previous week. Everybody did an excellent job! Level... keep reading


Nanjing Museum Tour trip

By Xi Lin at CIEE

Our students had a great week! They went to the Natioal Nanjing Museum on July 12. The Nanjing Museum, established in 1933, was formerly the Preparatory Office of the National... keep reading


How Well Do You Know Nanjing University's Campus?

By Karen Du at CIEE

“Go to these ten places around the campus and complete the missions by asking questions to the locals in Chinese. Take a picture! Finally, find us program leaders at an... keep reading


Exploring our new City! (Welcome to Nanjing!)

By Jonathan Fall at CIEE

你好 (nǐ hǎo) from Nanjing! Today was the second day of classes for our students in China, and they are excited to improve their Mandarin skills. Students arrived in Nanjing... keep reading


A Time Capsule: Exploring the Old Capital at the Presidential Palace (总统府)

By Jennifer Rives at CIEE

This Thursday, students got to discover the history of Nanjing by exploring the Presidential Palace (总统府). Nanjing was the capital of China during the Ming Dynasty, which lasted from 1368-1644... keep reading


Tradition Comes Alive: Chinese Culture Classes in Nanjing

By Jennifer Rives at CIEE

Over the past couple of weeks on our program, students have gotten the opportunity to participate in 3 different types of traditional Chinese cultural activities: calligraphy class, Tai Qi (known... keep reading


Little Group, Big City: Weekend Excursion to Shanghai (上海)

By Jennifer Rives at CIEE

Last week on the Nanjing Chinese Language & Culture program, we took students on a weekend trip to the gorgeous city of Shanghai! Shanghai is only an hour and forty... keep reading


Feeling the History: Dr. Sun Yatsen Mausoleum & the Ming Tomb

By Jennifer Rives at CIEE

On Wednesday, our students got to go to the Dr. Sun Yatsen Mausoleum and Ming Tomb along with students from Rice University studying on a different program in Nanjing. The... keep reading