Stepping into gaming!

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Video Game Design

Authored By:

DeVante Allen (Love)

We are on the way to creating our games! In the first couple of classes, students have started thinking about what it means to be a game designer. Their teachers Shu Sensei and Dewa Sensei have been talking to them about the components of a game and helped them get oriented with Unity, the platform we'll be using to create games. After a few hours of playing around with the program students have already created a character that can move through space. They practice coding rules considering the laws of physics so that their character's can move however they want. Shu Sensei and Dewa Sensei then talked to them about thinking about target audiences and pushed them to start thinking about the type of people they want to play their games. We all then visited a retro arcade and a VR playground where students got to play games and think about how the games were designed and who the games were designed for. 

Many students were super excited to meet Jake Kuzdal, a former Nintendo game counselor and head CEO of 17-bit. He's been designing games for years and students were excited to meet him and learn more about his life experiences.